Our Story

This photo shows Hairless Dog Brewing Company Co-Founders Jeff Hollander, left, and Paul Pirner. Each are holding a pint glass of Hairless Dog NA brew.

"We make our full-bodied, 0.0% ABV craft beer the same way we live our lives: without regret." 

 -- Jeff Hollander and Paul Pirner, Co-Founders, Hairless Dog Brewing


We quit drinking, not living. 

Hairless Dog Brewing was born because we were thirsty. We’re a new breed of craft beer loving social animals who roam in low and no alcohol mode. We don’t want to hide out, we want to go out. We want to hang out. We want to party like there’s a tomorrow, without the stigma that comes with “old" NA beer. When we hunted for 100% craft at 0.0% ABV we couldn't find it. So we made it ourselves. 

Proudly based in Minneapolis, MN, we're brewing truly NA beer for everyone like us who wants a good craft beer without the alcohol. Find Hairless Dog at our online store for shipping to the continental US as well as in liquor stores and grocery stores across the country. Check our store finder for a location near you. 

Go ahead. Party like there's a tomorrow. With 0.0 regrets. 

Learn More: check our FAQs or Contact Us if you have any questions about our company or products.

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